Monday, 16 April 2012

What is an allergic reaction?  And how might wood smoke cause it?(Hayley)

An allergic reaction according to the medical dictionary is ‘A local or generalized reaction of an organism to internal or external contact with a specific allergen to which the organism has been previously sensitized.’ Allergies can include such things as animal fur, dust, food types and penicillin to name a few.

An allergic reaction can occur when through exposure to antigens enter the body through the mouth, noes, eyes or even through the skin. The immune system mistakes the harmless allergens as threats and the process of phagocytosis begins. The T cells produce proteins (antibodies) specific to the allergens. Antibodies then attach to the other immune cells causing them to be more sensitive to this particular allergen. The immune cells attack and histamine is produced causing the physiological effects such as redness swelling, sores, itching and sneezing. The worst type of an allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. This is where the allergic reaction causes the tongue to swell and the wind pipe to constrict causing difficulty breathing this can be treated with an epi-pen containing adrenaline which can be a lifesaver.

Wood smoke is made up of carbon monoxide, benzene and sulphur dioxide to name but a few. This wood smoke effects up to 2% of the population causing them to have an allergic reaction. The allergic reaction Is actually caused by chemicals called quinones which are produced to protect the tree from fungi and predators. These quinones bind to skin proteins and because they are foreign to the body they are then attacked by the immune system causing the symptoms above.

Not the are you at risk of allergies from wood smoke but the tiny particulate matter 1/20th the size of a raindrop is most harmful especially within young children and the elderly. Inhaling these particles into the lungs increases the likelihood of respiratory problems such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis reducing life expectancy.

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